Al Monitor : Le lac historique de Sawa disparaît de la carte irakienne

A street sign for Sawa Lake is seen in Iraq's southern province of al-Muthanna, on April 19, 2022. - In Sawa, a sharp drop in rainfall -- now only at 30 percent of what used to be normal for the region -- has lowered the underground water table, itself drained by wells, said a senior advisor at Iraq's water resources ministry. (Photo by Asaad NIAZI / AFP) (Photo by ASAAD NIAZI/AFP via Getty Images)

Le lac Sawa en Irak a été associé à des récits d’histoire et d’activité humaine pendant des centaines d’années, mais aujourd’hui, il s’est transformé en une autre parcelle du désert qui l’entourait après qu’il se soit complètement asséché.

Lake Sawa, located in Muthanna governorate in southern Iraq, has completely dried up, and so this unique water spot that was located in the middle of the arid desert for thousands of years has disappeared.

The name of this lake was mentioned in history books and religious novels, some of which mention that its waters raged on the day of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad.

Iraqis call the salty lake the Pearl of the South, and its water contains minerals used for medicinal purposes. LINK TO ARTICLE