Wrapping up the fifth edition of the Paris Peace Forum

For the fifth consecutive year, the Paris Peace Forum gathered the most important actors in global governance on November 11 and 12 focus on Riding out the multicrisis and preventing a destructive world polarization that would jeopardize the collective efforts on many critical challenges for humanity. This year, the Forum returned under one roof in a beautiful new venue, the Palais Brongniart, gathering those from around the globe to participate in Paris once again.

« The lesson of this 5th edition is that the response to global challenges and peace negotiations go hand in hand. When we advance dialogue we facilitate the resolution of global problems and those that reduce the risk of war.”

– Justin Vaïsse, Founder and Director General of the Paris Peace Forum

The fifth edition in numbers :

• 4800 participants

• 32 heads of state and government and leaders of international organizations

• 80 panels and roundtables

• 70 projects showcased

Major outputs :

• Launch of the initiative Acting Together for a Responsible Critical Minerals Sector

• Bringing together Venezuelan negotiators

• Launch of the Children Online Protection Lab

• Pandemic early warning and response report launch

• Progress report: Climate Overshoot Commission

• Progress report and new supporters for Net Zero Space