TNN : US and Israel begin four-day naval exercise in Red Sea

Les exercices font suite à la création d'un nouveau groupe de travail pour patrouiller la mer Rouge. Photo : Marine américaine

US and Israel begin four-day naval exercise in Red Sea

Joint drill focused on mission planning, maritime interdiction and other skills

US and Israeli naval forces held a joint drill in the Red Sea on Monday, the US Navy said in a press release.

The USS Nitze, the USS Lewis B Puller and the USNS Matthew Perry are involved in the exercise, the US Navy added.

A small destroyer with a crew of about 400, the USS Nitze is bristling with air-to-air missiles, cruise missiles for long-range land attacks and torpedoes.

USS Lewis B Puller is a military cargo ship capable of deploying marines and serving as a platform for troop-carrying aircraft such as the Osprey.

USNS Matthew Perry is a logistical support ship. READ MORE

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