TNN : Egypt protests to UN over Ethiopia’s plans for third filling of giant Nile dam

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and its reservoir. Its first turbine began operating in the spring. EPA

L’Égypte proteste auprès de l’ONU contre les plans de l’Éthiopie pour le troisième remplissage du barrage géant du Nil

Addis Ababa says it filled more than 18 billion cubic metres of water over the past two flood seasons/Addis-Abeba dit avoir rempli plus de 18 milliards de mètres cubes d’eau au cours des deux dernières saisons d’inondation

Egypt said it had protested to the UN Security Council on Friday against Ethiopia’s plans to fill the reservoir of its controversial Nile dam for a third year without agreement from downstream countries.

The multibillion dollar Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile is designed to be the largest hydroelectric scheme in Africa but it has been at the centre of a dispute with Egypt and Sudan since work began in 2011.

Egypt “received a message from the Ethiopian side on July 26, stating that Ethiopia would continue filling the reservoir of the Renaissance Dam during the current flood season”, a Foreign Ministry statement said.

In response, Egypt wrote to the UN Security Council “to register its objection and complete rejection of Ethiopia’s continuation of filling the Renaissance Dam unilaterally without a deal”.

The ministry said that Egypt maintains its “legitimate right … to take all necessary measures to ensure and protect its national security, including against any risks that Ethiopia’s unilateral measures may cause in the future”. READ MORE

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