The National News : En souvenir de Nadira Azzouz : la célèbre artiste irakienne dont le cœur était résolument tourné vers le monde arabe

Nadira Azzouz aged 28. The famed Iraqi artist died in 2020. All photos from Mazen Azzouz unless otherwise specified

Mazen Azzouz partage des souvenirs de sa mère dans le cadre de notre série Remembering the Artist.

My mother was so glamorous; she could throw on rags and look terribly chic. She looked sophisticated even for a trip to the supermarket, for which I’d often exclaim: “You’re not going to a soiree!” She would totally snub me and continue coiffing her hair, while seated on her dressing table adorned with glistening cases and bottles of Estee Lauder, Clinique and Chanel. I’d never known my mother to be an old lady — this was a woman who did Botox in her eighties — and she was certainly not happy about ageing. My mother didn’t just look young, she acted young and even young people gravitated towards her. LINK TO ARTICLE