View of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park Phase 5 in Dubai. Pawan Singh / The National
Le parc solaire Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum réduira les émissions de CO2 et aidera à alimenter 250 000 foyers dans le cadre des efforts de sauvegarde de la planète.
On a patch of land in the Dubai desert, solar powered panels are following the path of the sun to help the emirate reach its clean energy goals.
From sunrise to sunset, more than 2.5 million photovoltaic modules fitted with solar tracking technology rotate slowly to maximise the capture of sunlight.
On 10 sq km of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, The National toured the fifth phase of the mega project by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, which has a capacity of 900megawatts. LINK TO ARTICLE
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