Bahreïn lance un appel d’offres pour une centrale solaire de 72 MW
The Kingdom of Bahrain launched its tendering process to award a 20 years contract for local or international bidders to build, own, operate, and maintain grid-tied solar photovoltaic (PV) power panels with a minimum capacity of 72 MWac in multiple premises located in Sakhir, south of the Kingdom./Le Royaume de Bahreïn a lancé son processus d’appel d’offres pour attribuer un contrat de 20 ans à des soumissionnaires locaux ou internationaux pour construire, posséder, exploiter et entretenir des panneaux solaires photovoltaïques (PV) reliés au réseau d’une capacité minimale de 72 MWac dans plusieurs locaux situés à Sakhir, au sud du Royaume.
The tender was launched by Bahrain’s Ministry of Electricity and Water Affairs, as it seeks to build solar panels in the Bahrain International Circuit, University of Bahrain, Bahrain International Exhibition & Convention Centre, and Al Dana Amphitheatre. The solar panels are to be built on the rooftops, car park shades, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations, and ground of these organisations’ facilities.
To qualify for the tender, bidders need to be engaged in the business of solar PV energy and have successfully commissioned at least ten grid-tied solar PV projects (out of which at least 5 are Solar PV car park projects). READ MORE