Les eaux arabes ont un potentiel de production halieutique élevé, s’étendant des côtes mauritaniennes et marocaines à l’océan Atlantique à l’ouest jusqu’au golfe Persique et à l’océan Indien à l’est en passant par la mer Méditerranée, en plus de plusieurs fleuves et fleuves du golfe comme le Nil et le Euphrate.
Fisheries could play an important role in developing economies of the region and in meeting increased food demand. However, the fishery industry is not well developed and has been suffering from many issues mainly from Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing. This paper aims to assess illegal fishing by European vessels in Arab waters, focusing on the most affected countries by IUU fishing. We will also be trying to analyze the multifaceted cause roots and impacts of IUU fishing on Arab marine resources and the economy as a whole, as well as the limits of both international agreements and most of Arab states’ capacity to counter illegal fishing mainly from foreign vessels. LINK TO THE STUDY