Libyan Political Dialogue Forum : Communiqué de l’Elysée

Libyan Political Dialogue Forum
Scenes from the opening ceremony of the Libyan Political Dialogue. Source : UNSMIL
Service presse Elysée : Libyan Political Dialogue Forum
Service presse Elysée

Libyan Political Dialogue Forum

France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom welcome the results of the first round of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum which took place in Tunis from 7  to 15 November based on UNSC resolution 2510 (2020) and the conclusions of the Berlin Conference on Libya.

At the Forum, the Libyans agreed on a roadmap to national elections on December 24, 2021. This is an important step to restore Libya’s sovereignty and the democratic legitimacy of its institutions.

These political efforts build upon the comprehensive ceasefire agreement concluded in Geneva on October 23rd and progress within the Libyan Joint Military Commission (5+5). We reiterate our call on the Libyan parties to fully implement the ceasefire agreement. In this respect we commend the efforts made by the Libyan parties during their meetings in the Libyan towns of Ghadames, Sirte and Brega.

France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom also welcome the widespread resumption of oil production and Libyan discussions on reforming security provision at oil installations. It is clear that these arrangements must remain firmly in Libyan hands. We also urge Libyan parties, with the support of UNSMIL, to agree a mechanism for the fair and transparent use of oil revenues, for the benefit of the Libyan people.

France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom are looking forward to the next session of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum starting virtually on November 23rd. We fully share and support the overall objective of the LPDF to generate consensus on a new unified governance framework, based on the agreement reached in Tunis outlining the structure and prerogatives for the new reformed Presidency Council and a separate Head of Government who will lead the transition. To achieve this result would send a strong signal of unity and Libyan ownership of the country’s political future.

France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom congratulate Acting SRSG Stephanie Williams for her tremendous work and express their full support to the UNSMIL led process and call on all Libyan and International parties to refrain from any parallel and uncoordinated initiative which risks to undermine the UN-led efforts. We are ready to take measures against those who obstruct the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum and other tracks of the Berlin process, as well as those who continue to plunder state funds or commit human rights abuses and violations throughout the country.

More than ever, today, we stand with the immense majority of Libyans who reject the status quo, any military or violent option to settle the crisis and terrorism. We share their opposition to all foreign interference, and support their willingness to come together in peaceful and patriotic dialogue.

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