Jankel va créer une équipe d’experts pour livrer Oshkosh JLTV au Royaume-Uni

Jankel a conclu des accords avec des partenaires clés de l’industrie de la défense britannique, notamment NP Aerospace et Make UK Defence, pour livrer l’Oshkosh JLTV aux forces armées britanniques.

Jankel has announced the establishment of agreements, with a number of key UK defense industry partners, in order to create a team of experts to deliver the Oshkosh Defense Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) to the UK. The new partnerships follow on from the headline agreement with Oshkosh Defense announced in June 2022. These latest partnerships are being specifically formed to create a UK based team of defense vehicle subject matter experts that can deliver the Oshkosh JLTV vehicle to meet crucial protected mobility requirements of the British Armed Forces.