Iraq Business news : Un consortium chinois remporte un contrat de 594 millions de dollars pour le traitement du pétrole en Irak By John Lee

Kuwait Energy Basra Limited (KE Basra), an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Hong Kong-based United Energy Group (UEG), has entered into the EPCC (engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning) contract with a Chinese consortium to provide a central processing facility including oil treatment system and auxiliary systems at Block 9 in Basra.

The contractor is a consortium formed on 31 December 2020 and consisting of China CAMC Engineering and CNOOC Petrochemical Engineering.

According to disclosure documents lodged with the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, the contract price is US$593,584,975 and the work should be completed within 33 months from the date of commencement. (The foundation stone for the project has just been laid).

The main purpose of this central processing facility project is to increase crude oil production capacity of Block 9 to 100,000 barrels per day (bpd). LINK TO ARTICLE

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