L’Irak a été le plus grand bénéficiaire de l’initiative chinoise Belt and Road (BRI) en 2021.
BRIfinance and investments stabilized in 2021 at US$ 59.5 billion (compared to US$ 60.5 billion in 2020);
No coal projects received financing or investments in 2021;
Green energy finance and investments in the BRI slightly increased to a new high in 2021 at US$6.3 billion (compared to US$ 6.2 billion in 2020);
Oil-related finance and investments in the BRI expanded from to US$ 6.4 billion in 2021 (compared to US$ 1.9 billion in all of 2020);
Share of investments in China’s BRI engagement in 2021 shrank to low point, share of construction contracts (often financed with Chinese loans) increased;
Strong shift of BRI engagement towards African and Middle Eastern countries
Iraq was the largest beneficiary from China’s BRI in 2021, with about US$ 10.5 billion in construction contracts; LINK TO ARTICLE
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