Arabian Business : Comment Dubaï est prête à aider le monde à reprendre ses activités

Hamad Buamim, CEO of Dubai Chamber

Dans une interview exclusive avec Arabian Business, Hamad Buamim, président et PDG de la Chambre de Dubaï, souligne l’importance du 12e Congrès mondial des chambres organisé à Dubaï (12WCC), sachant que c’est la première fois qu’il se tient durant l’ère post-Covid.

Dubai Chamber and the World Chambers Federation have organised this year’s ICC World Chambers Congress, which coincides alongside Expo 2020 Dubai and takes place November 23-25, 2021.

In an exclusive interview with Arabian Business, Hamad Buamim, CEO of Dubai Chamber highlighted the significance of the 12th World Chambers Congress being hosted in Dubai (12WCC), the first time it is being held in the post-Covid-19 era. He also shared his insights on ‘Chambers 4.0’ and the lessons that other cities can learn from Dubai in responding to the pandemic and dealing with disruption.

Buamim, who also serves as the chair of the ICC-World Chambers Federation, shared his expectations for the 12WCC and prospects for cross-border cooperation during the event. He also elaborated on how Dubai Chamber has restructured to meet the changing needs of Dubai’s maturing business community.

The congress coincides with Expo 2020 Dubai, where one of the main themes is opportunity. How timely is it that, as the UAE welcomes the world to Dubai, Dubai Chamber and the ICC-World Chambers Federation is bringing together more than 1,000 chamber leaders and members from more than 100 countries for the 12WCC?

I believe this is very timely. The whole world has gone through a lot of challenges in the past 18 months and one of the things that happened was that we had limited face-to-face interactions.

We hope through events like the World Chambers Congress and of course the whole of Expo, we’re giving the world a global platform to showcase their innovative solutions, to be able to reactivate the business activities. It’s great for businesses, for government leaders, it’s great for companies to have these opportunities to interact.

When it comes to the Chambers of Commerce, it’s been quite a long while that we didn’t really interact and, also, right now, I believe the agenda is very important on what we need to connect and talk about. It’s very timely and very important and we hope that we’ll be able to get a lot of these opportunities really discussed for the way forward. LINK TO ARTICLE


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