AL MONITOR : L’Egypte relance le projet agricole du désert occidental par Amr Emam

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in front of a new canal that he hoped at that time would irrigate the Western Desert and increase the country's habitable area from 5.5% to 30% by the year 2025. - STR/AFP via Getty Images Read more:

L’Égypte a insufflé une nouvelle vie à un ancien projet agricole dans son désert occidental, espérant qu’il augmentera la production alimentaire et réduira les importations.

par Amr Emam

Egypt is reawakening a decades-old agricultural project in its Western Desert as it endeavors to feed its growing population and bridge a wide gap between food production and consumption in it.

The Toshka project, Egypt’s first serious attempt to invade its vast desert, was launched by late President Hosni Mubarak in 1997.

The project was Mubarak’s ambitious plan to create the New Delta in the middle of the desert and bring about economic development that would effect positive social change in his country.

Mubarak spent 40 billion Egyptian pounds on the project, establishing the necessary electricity plants and water pumping stations. LINK TO ARTICLE