Al Monitor : La conclusion : la guerre en Ukraine aggrave le déficit pétrolier au Moyen-Orient

TOPSHOT - An aerial view taken on April 12, 2022, shows the city of Mariupol, during Russia's military invasion launched on Ukraine. - Russian troops on April 12 intensified their campaign to take the port city of Mariupol, part of an anticipated massive onslaught across eastern Ukraine, as the Russian president made a defiant case for the war on Russia's neighbour. (Photo by Andrey BORODULIN / AFP) (Photo by ANDREY BORODULIN/AFP via Getty Images)

Burhan du Soudan accuse l’envoyé de l’ONU ; L’Égypte augmente son soutien au Soudan ; la Libye réprime les militants des droits de l’homme ; Les agriculteurs turcs sont confrontés à des difficultés économiques ; L’État islamique utilise la poussière comme couverture en Irak… le tout en moins de 1 200 mots !

  • The global economy’s prospects have « worsened significantly » as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the resulting « sanctions aimed at pressuring Russia to end hostilities, » according to the IMF’s World Economic Outlook.

  • The IMF and World Bank Group Spring meetings in Washington this week are addressing the war’s consequences, which are especially acute for emerging markets, coming on the tail of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fallout includes rising food costs and food insecurity, as well as higher energy prices, inflation, interest rates and debt burdens.
  • The IMF now projects global growth for 2022 and 2023 at 3.6% (down by 0.8 percentage point and 0.2 percentage point, respectively, from its projections of just three months ago).  LINK TO ARTICLE
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