Alors que le royaume fait face à une insécurité croissante, il s’est aliéné la plupart de ses garants de sécurité et fournisseurs d’armes en Occident.
Saudi Arabia has suffered attacks from Iranian launched or provided missiles from both the north and south, and its capital has been repeatedly attacked with ballistic missiles. The war in Yemen has spun out of control so much that Saudi security is more endangered now than it was at the start of Saudi Arabia’s intervention in 2015. Yet, as the kingdom faces mounting insecurity, it has alienated most of its security guarantors and weapons suppliers in the West, which are increasingly concerned over the humanitarian crisis in Yemen and remain outraged over the 2018 killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Politicians in Canada, Germany, and the United Kingdom have all proposed restricting weapons exports to Saudi Arabia. In the United States, there are the beginnings of a bipartisan consensus against additional weapons sales to the kingdom. LINK TO ARTICLE